It seen a long time not update my blog. Just take a little time off to energize and restart the things. We need to create new strategy if current not work as what we plan. I do work from home,and some time feel disorganized. Just to share some tips to re-allign the course and target.
If you work at home on your own business there will be times when you get frustrated and impatient, and you just feel that things are not progressing as much as you want them to. Sometimes you just get sick and tired of sitting in front of the computer. Sometimes you want to throw your computer out of the window. It is at these times that you need a few motivation strategies to get you excited about your business again and back in harmony with your computer. Here are ten for you.
1. Get back in touch with your original reasons for starting your business. What was it that got you excited and had those butterflies fluttering around in your stomach? What was it that got you leaping out of bed in the morning? Start thinking about those reasons again - write them down and think about them every day. If you've never felt like that about your business, perhaps you need to rethink and start on something that does excite you.
2. Review your goals. You do have goals don't you? Setting motivating goals give you something to move towards and should inspire you to get working. If your goals no longer excite you, or if you are not moving towards them fast enough, perhaps you need to review them and make them more specific and powerful.
3. Review your plan. In order to get to your goals you need a plan. This is like a road map to get from where you are now to your where you want to be. Would you ever set off on a long journey to somewhere you've never been without a map? Well, that's what you're doing if you don't have a plan. You need to look at your goals and work out how you are going to get there. What are the steps you need to take to reach your destination?
4. Clear your clutter. Does your desk look like a war zone? Do you know where to find anything? Trying to work in a cluttered space drains your energy and is very demotivating. Take the morning off to clear away anything that does not help your day to day work. With the extra space you will feel refreshed and energised.
5. Clear your head. Is your mind cluttered with lots of negative thoughts about your business? This is just as bad as having a cluttered desk! Catch yourself in the act of thinking in a negative way and list some positive affirmations instead.
6. Reorganise your schedule. If you are feeling demotivated because you are overwhelmed by all the tasks you need to do, try re-arranging your daily schedule so that you are not giving yourself too much to do each day. Put the most important jobs at the top of the list and leave out anything that does not drive your business forward. Simplifying your daily schedule will relieve the pressure and allow you to re-focus.
7. Take a break. Sometimes all you need to refresh your mind is to get out of the house or office, go for a long walk and think about something that has nothing to do with business or work. Or arrange a short holiday and sit on a beach for a couple of days. Sometimes it is necessary to stop thinking about work for a while in order to get back into it.
8. Listen to motivational tapes. Buy some CDs of your favourite motivational speakers and listen to them every morning, or whenever you need a lift. Alternatively, read some books by people like Anthony Robbins,Dr Fadzillah Kamsah, Dr.Tengku Asmadi etc
9. Have a laugh. There is nothing like a gut-splitting bout of laughter to clear out the cobwebs and refresh your mind. Get together with your best friend and have a good laugh remembering old times, or hire your favourite comedy film or sitcom and laugh until you cry.
10. Find a life coach. If you are finding it difficult to get motivated despite all of the above, hire a life coach to help you find what motivates you and whether you need to re-think your business or career.
These are just ten good motivation strategies that can help you to get back on track. Of course there may be others, but these are the ones that work for me. If they don't work, you need a long vacation!
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